
"the dish" button

Spread the love for The Dish! You can add my lovely button by adding an Picture gadget to your blog layout and then linking this picture along with a link to http://www.thedishondelish.blogspot.com/. Isn't this fun???

Here's some instructions that might help:

1. Right click the image above.
2. Choose Save Picture As from the menu.
3. Choose where you would like to save the image on your computer and click Save.
4. Log in to Blogger.
5. Click on "Layout"/"Page Elements".
6. Click on "Add a Gadget".
7. Scroll down the list until you find "Picture". Click on the + sign.
8. Under "link" type in: http://www.thedishondelish.blogspot.com/
9. Download the picture/button by clicking on "Browse" from your computer.
10. Click "save".
11. Move your picture/button to where you want by dragging it up or down.

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